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July 12, 2012 / Gina D.

Digital journalism workflows: A wordsy graphic

As my ideaLab project unfolds, I have also been educating Esri about our workflows — current, theoretical and otherwise. Thinking through those processes led me to this rather simplified take, both in content and presentation, about how our content evolves:

Digital-first reporter workflow

POST tweet tweet *click* tweet tweet tweet tweet *click* tweet tweet RT tweet tweet tweet RT tweet RT *click* tweet tweet tweet RT RT tweet tweet tweet tweet RT tweet tweet RT tweet tweet tweet RT tweet (write) UPDATE (write) (write) SEND call call  (write) SEND callllllllllll (write) SEND (write) (write) (write) SEND (write) call (write) (write) SEND call  (write) SEND. File.  G+ Facebook RT tweet tweet RT tweet Facebook link link link link tweet Facebook g+ tweet tweet call call (write) Final Update.

Digital-first photographer workflow

tweet tweet *click* tweet *click* tweet *click* tweet tweet *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* tweet *click* *click* *click* (record) (record) *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* (record) *click* *click* RT tweet (write) *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*  *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* (record) *click* *click*  *click* *click* *click* (write) (write) upload Upload UP.LOAD.SEND. Facebook G+ RT tweet

Digital-first editor workflow

Tweet RT RT curate Edit POST RT RT Storify UPDATE Storify Storify UPDATE down/upload_photo (write) (write) down/upload_photo Edit UPDATE RT RTRT curate Edit down/upload_photo Edit Edit curate UPDATE G+ Facebook RT RT RT curate Edit UPDATE curate curate curate (build) Storify. link (build) mapify. link (build) datafy. link Editcurate package Final Update.

WHAT’S YOUR TAKE? Granted, there’s always cause to do things differently from one situation to the next. But I think the above is a pretty fair snapshot of our optimum mode of operation. Certainly this version could be much more visual, and the design editor in me will probably attempt to loop back around to that at some point. In the meantime, I’d love to see what other people’s take on such things might be. If you’ve got one to share, feel free to post it here, or tag me on Twitter @GNAdv.

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